Vizrt VizOne production equipment stack

Vizrt integrates with Adobe Premiere Pro for faster asset search and simplified production process

New functions in Vizrt’s MAM system Viz One aligned with the latest Adobe Premiere Pro version offer users workflow efficiencies and added optimization

Vizrt, the leader in real-time graphics and live production solutions for content creators, aligns its suite of products with Adobe Premiere Pro to better coordinate an efficient production pipeline.

While Vizrt integrates with Adobe across multiple workflows in Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop, one particularly strong integration with Premiere Pro is the enhanced capabilities with Viz One, Vizrt’s flagship Media Asset Management (MAM) solution.

The new version allows for Edit Decision Lists (EDLs) made in Viz One to be drag and dropped straight into Premiere Pro via Vizrt’s Adobe Assistant panel, creating a new sequence. Similarly, users of Vizrt’s browser-based editing tool Viz Story can import their timelines into Premiere Pro, including video and graphics when a craft edit is required.

Changes to the panel have also improved search performance. Now, searching assets in a Viz One system from Adobe Premiere Pro is up to 3X faster, and it provides greater detail when working directly from the Assistant panel. Users can identify and work with both archive content and incoming media shortly after the Viz One import begins.

Recent updates to Viz One Studio also bring new editing capabilities to the web browser, replacing the need to use Viz One’s legacy PreCut and EasyCut applications, helping further streamline users’ editing experience and improving the workflow between Viz One, Viz Story, and Premiere Pro.

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“The added functionality of the Viz One integration into Adobe Premiere Pro enhances the user experience, supports faster workflows, and enhances performance. Editors and creators whether in news, sports, or other productions positions will find it easier to edit, design and collaborate across teams. For example, a journalist could rough cut in Viz One Studio, create an edit decision list, then share that with an editor who can drag and drop straight into their timeline,” states James Scott, Engineering & Platform Manager, Vizrt Group, MAM Business Unit.

Users can also leverage Vizrt and Adobe across the production process, facilitating easier workflows for designers, journalists, and editors. Designers using Vizrt’s powerful real-time 3D design application, Viz Artist, have greater flexibility due to the integrations with Adobe Photoshop® and Adobe After Effects®.

Viz Artist includes a multi-layer composition import tool for working with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects compositions. Additionally, control text and control image plugins are automatically assigned, providing a faster transition from Adobe After Effects composition to a template ready for on-air use in Viz Artist.

Vizrt’s Meta-Graphics™ workflow enables graphics and video to be continually edited using the Viz Pilot Edge HTML-based template editor, up until the moment when the content goes on-air. This unique, non-burnt-in graphics workflow integrates with Adobe Premiere Pro, allowing the journalist to define the graphics needed for a story in their newsroom system and stay updated as the news changes.

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