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Step by step guide to using 3D Models in After Effects

Since 2024, Adobe After Effects has had native support for 3D models… but it is not always that simple.

Did you know you can only import OBJ, GLB or GLTF models? Do you know how to get a model in this format? Once you have the model imported, how can you make a 3D environment for it? Where is the best place to get an HDRI (and what even is an HDR image anyway). And is it a 360 image?

Then you need to light it – and that’s where After Effects Image-based lighting comes into play with the Environment light. But what images does it work with? And can you get away with just using a regular 360 image? Finally, once your model is imported, lit, how can you add a shadow?

Adobe has done a great job making all the above possible, but there are a few steps and a couple of tricks, so join me as I spell them all out.

Model featured: “(FREE) Porsche 911 Carrera 4S” by Lionsharp Studios is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Free 3D models you can use directly in After Effects



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