Reminder: Free Registration – Cine Gear Expo Los Angeles 2022
Cine Gear Expo is the premier event for professionals engaged in the film and entertainment technology industry. Taking place June 9th – 12th with exhibits June 9th – 11th at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Cine Gear features exhibits, new product and service introductions, complimentary seminars led by industry leaders, and ample opportunity to network with peers.
● June 9th – 11th — Film Competition Screenings, Exhibits, Premier Seminars, Awards Presentations, Special Events
● June 12th — Master Classes
Updates to the exhibitor list, event map, schedule, presentation topics, and speakers will be posted to the website regularly. http://www.cinegearexpo.com
Questions? Please contact the Cine Gear Office at (310) 472-0809 or info@cinegearexpo.com
Attendee Registration is open.
All attendees must complete the Cine Gear Badge online registration process.
Registration is free until 11:59 p.m. PDT on Friday, June 3rd, 2022.
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