Peakto Search UI screenshot

Peakto Search Plugin for Lightroom & Capture One: New Instant Speech Search and Metadata Display

CYME announces that Peakto Search, the Mac-only plugin for Lightroom Classic and Capture One, is back with two new features designed to make creators life easier: Instant Speech Search and Custom Metadata Display. 

Thanks to its AI capable of searching across multiple catalogs simultaneously, Peakto Search simplifies the management of thousands of files, allowing Lightroom and Capture One users to focus on their creations rather than organizing their folders. This new dialogue-based search and simplified access to photo data are additional tools to facilitate media management. 

New Instant Speech Search 

The introduction of automatic audio-video transcription generation improves video editing. This feature generates video transcripts instantly and enables users to pinpoint exact scenes based on dialogue, significantly streamlining the editing process.  

New Custom Metadata Display

Peakto Search provides quick access to essential content information. Users can now choose to display metadata like place, date, camera settings, format, size, and annotations below each preview, making it easier than ever to organize and find their content instantly. 

Why Peakto Search Plugin is Unique 

  • Multi-Catalog Search: Peakto Search can look through several Lightroom or Capture One catalogs simultaneously. 
  • AI-Powered Search: Peakto Search uses local AI to analyze media, allowing users to find the right asset based on a simple description, dialogue, or image, while preserving their privacy. 
  • Always Accessible: Peakto Search is like a super Finder dedicated to Lightroom and Capture One catalogs. It’s easily accessible from the Mac toolbar and displays a search console to see results directly, even if Lightroom or Capture One are closed or offline.

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