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  • cynthia lester

    January 14, 2023 at 1:43 am in reply to: viewing at 50% while doing crops & ken burns effect

    oh, also I figured out I can cut the black space with the Blade function and it will be easier to move groups of clips around without taking all the black space! You know what else is startling, is when you start toggling a clip back and forth and you see the timeline move, its scary because it looks like its moving the timeline but maybe its not? Its hard to tell when you are messing with the timeline or not. is there a way to see if you accidentally move the timeline? I guess i can just hit undo and redo and look at the timecode reference on the timeline? Sorry, this is just me babbling about my fears, you don’t need to answer, its not related to what you were replying too.

  • cynthia lester

    January 12, 2023 at 11:54 pm in reply to: viewing at 50% while doing crops & ken burns effect

    oh cool, thanks! that helps a lot. Also, my partner figured out if you add the new clip on the top layer and extend moving in the R (towards the right) instead of scrolling the image L (left), it won’t bring the timeline back with you it will let you just plop the image on top first, and then you can move it around or go left (without it taking the whole timeline, which puts the next voice over underneath the one I’m working on, which is what was happening and I’m trying to avoid that. Laying the image on a new top layer for example and then moving it left will leave the timeline alone I think but if there’s a better way please let me know. thanks again!

  • cynthia lester

    January 12, 2023 at 10:29 pm in reply to: viewing at 50% while doing crops & ken burns effect

    Oh, yes I saw that! So, if I put it in “Fit” mode it will show me what it will look like when exported? Thank You!

  • cynthia lester

    January 12, 2023 at 10:17 pm in reply to: Inquiry for Graphic Novel Style App

    Thank you so much! That will give me some leads as to what to learn next!

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