Hi Wreaford,
You can revolve text around a sphere, by following these steps:
1. Create the sphere and text and make sure they are on the same track
2. Select the text and in the “Object Controls” panel open the “Info” twirly and change the x position to move the text apart from the sphere
3. Select both the text and the sphere and group them (Cmd+g on mac and Cntl+g on windows)
4. Now make sure the pose is selected and go to the “Animation Controls” panel
5. On the right side in Pose Actions select the menu and select spin y
6. Change rotation to 360(or any amount of rotation you want) and click the checkbox next to “Use Common Center”
That’s it. Now you can change how long your pose lasts in the Animation Timeline which will change how long the spinning lasts.
Alex Dow
Zaxwerks | Tech Support