Xpresso Question | Link Data type as Nurb Input
I’m making an object that simulate’s 3D stroke by Trapcode in C4D using the 9.6 Sweep Nurb.
It’s complete, but right now the spline acting as the path is my own spline. In the spirit of having a complete object where the end user only needs to control the whole effect in the AM, I have a User Data Link type. So the user drops a spline into it which would become the stroke path.
However when Xpresso nodes have an input that accepts a link it’s a clear cut thing. However a Sweep Nurb obviously functions by 2 objects being children of the Sweep itself. I tried setting up an empty Spline type and patching the link to it’s object input port, but nada. I’m basically trying to get a User Dropped spline to be the sweep path to a Sweep Nurb. When I drag the Sweep Nurb object into Xpresso, I don’t see a input that acts as one of it’s inputs. Does a Sweep Nurb ONLY work by making spline’s children of it on the OM? If so, how can I set up a dummy object that the link can connect to?
Chris Smith