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Activity Forums DaVinci Resolve XML Relink to Red Source Files

  • XML Relink to Red Source Files

    Posted by Niclas Werres on June 2, 2017 at 12:05 pm

    Hello Everybody,

    I’m fairly new to DaVinci and have a problem regarding our Premiere Project, which was edited with Premiere Pro. Since we were shooting in 6K R3D Footage, we rendered out proxies. In the interest of time we let the camera do the most work and used those proxies, whenever it functioned.

    The problem ist, that the naming convention of the Red Weapon is for Raw Footage “A001_C001_ABCDEF_001.R3D” and for the proxies “A001_C001_ABCDEF_V001_001.mxf”. So since the Filename isn’t completly identical, I can’t relink the Raw Files. Premiere doesn’t handle the Red Files this well and crashes, when I try to relink with media start. In RedCine everything works fine, since it doesn’t recognize the DNxHD, but can’t create funcional Shallows. (XML and EDL are broken).

    So I want to use Resolve, where I imported my RawFiles and try to import an XML or AAF, but can’t figure out how to link those Files. What I need to do is to limit my search parameters for the first 16 characters and everything would be great.

    Is there any solution or did somebody already found a workaround? I’m happy for any kind of help.

    Best Niclas

    Michael Gissing replied 7 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Michael Gissing

    June 2, 2017 at 11:19 pm

    Two important steps when relinking to original media. Firstly make sure only the r3d files are on the drive you are pointing to, not the proxies as well.

    When importing the xml you have the option check box to ignore file extension. So what you want is already there. The file name except extensions need to be identical and this is how Resolve sees the originals. Once you do that the proxies would appear to be identical so Resolve will see duplicated files. That’s why you don’t want them on the drive ideally. If they are on the drive but in another folder then you have to be sure to only point Resolve to the folder with the r3ds. I generally prefer to manually load what is needed on the media page before loading the xml just in case somewhere on the drive duplicates might be hiding and then uncheck the box in the xml load that automatically imports the media.

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