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Activity Forums DSLR Video Would I be able to get different aspect ratios on my DSLR?

  • Would I be able to get different aspect ratios on my DSLR?

    Posted by Ryan Elder on August 6, 2018 at 8:28 pm

    I am shooting a movie with a Canon 5D most likely, but I don’t want to shoot in 16:9 video necessarily, which it can only shoot in.

    I was thinking maybe 2.20:1 or 2.39:1. I researched this and other people say to put a template of the aspect ratio you want on the camera, and then put tape on the camera’s video screen to create borders for it.

    However, I have done this before, but what tape does, is that it covers up the camera’s information. I cannot see what aperture or ISO I am at, cause the tape covers up the screen, where it displays that. Plus I cannot tell if the record is on or off, cause the tape would cover it.

    So is there any other way the camera to give me this aspect ratio borders without having to cover up the display information?

    Ryan Elder replied 6 years ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Steve Crow

    August 7, 2018 at 5:39 pm

    Yes, you should investigate adding an external field monitor to your camera, it will provide different resolution overlays/grids to use to help you with your framing. They are getting much cheaper now but still provide reasonable quality – FeelWorld is one such brand but there are many many others!

    Steve Crow

  • Ryan Elder

    August 7, 2018 at 9:53 pm

    Okay thanks. I went to the store but they didn’t have monitors that were specifically designed to add different overlays, grids, aspect ratios, etc. Do you know of any cheap monitor brands particularly? I will look up to see if I can find any.

  • Andrew Somers

    August 8, 2018 at 4:56 am

    Hi Ryan,

    What I would suggest: Buy some LCD Screen protectors, place one on the LCD then use a sharpie and a ruler to draw frame lines for the aspect ratio you want to shoot. As they will just be thin lines you won’t cover up the camera data, and you can remove the screen protector at any time to lose the lines.

    If you do this, be sure to shoot a frame and focus chart that fits the frame lines you drew (or put a better way, shoot a frame and focus chart and draw the lines to fit that, heh). The F&F chart is requested so you have a frame reference for post.

    Andrew Somers
    VFX & Title Supervisor

  • Ryan Elder

    October 3, 2018 at 10:44 pm

    Okay thanks! What do you mean when you say the F & F chart is request so I have a frame reference to post, exactly?

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