Workstations from a Post-PC Company
Two things I got from yesterday’s iPad release–
1) A new iPad. The thing looks slick and I ordered it right away.
2) Tim Cook really made clear–repeatedly–that Apple is now a post-PC company. My hopes for a rocking new Mac Pro–or more than one or two final iterations of the Mac Pro line before its demise–have now pretty well diminished and gone to the West. The theory that trucks are still needed–Steve Jobs’ analogy, not mine–is the last thread I cling to as I contemplate buying what might be my last Mac.
And another thing: What’s with the crazy numbering/naming system for iPads? It just shouts chaos. Your current choice: “The New iPad” and the “iPad 2.” I guess next year we could have “the newer iPad,” with 2014 marking the arrival of “the Newest iPad.” After that, maybe we’ll be in the Post-iPad world, since everybody will have one, and Apple’s definition of “Post-X world” seems to be based more on bodies left to sell to, rather than on actual product usage.