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  • Work on the same project with different computers

    Posted by Niclas Werres on September 30, 2016 at 12:54 pm

    Hello there,

    I’m new here and since the adobe forum isn’t replying to anything, I hope to find some help here.

    Here’s my question: Is it possible to work on the same project with different computers simultaneously? I want to edit my clip in Premiere, but someone else should make the effects in AE and maybe another one the Sound Design in Audition. So without importing always a new project file, can I create a connection between different PCs? Is it even possible to work in the same program?

    I searched a lot for now, but couldn’t find anything helpful, only how to buy a team version(grrr). So when someone knows a website, which explanes my intention, it would be really useful, too.

    Thanks for any help.

    Niclas Werres replied 8 years ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Joseph W. bourke

    October 6, 2016 at 4:47 pm

    Hi Niclas –

    I’m a one man shop, so I have not done this, but here’s a link to an in-depth article on the workflow used for Deadpool:

    Joe Bourke
    Owner/Creative Director
    Bourke Media

  • Niclas Werres

    October 7, 2016 at 3:53 pm

    Even when I couldn’t find out anything about working on different computers yet, I learned about some interesting techniques, like the Pancake timeline. Also a very good website.

    So thank you for the link. If I find out anything about my question, I let you know, so other people with the same problem can find some answers here. ?

    So far I got to know, what I’m looking for is planned for the future, but isn’t working right know. Still you can put your files on a server to work on a premiere project and link it with dynamic link to another .aep, someone else is working on. (Haven’t tried it out yet, so no guarantee)

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