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Why is the Premiere Pro titling tool so horrible?
Chris Harlan replied 7 years, 8 months ago 10 Members · 49 Replies
Robin S. kurz
May 28, 2017 at 9:20 pm[andy patterson] “My video was in response to all the people claiming Premiere Pro has a horrible and outdated titling system.”
Okay, now that you’ve stated that over and over and over and over again ????… do tell: who? When? Where? Because it apparently had to have been a BUNCH of “all the people” here, since why else would you post this otherwise unrelated clip in this particular forum? Feel free to quote any and all of the oh-so-many occurrences of proclamations or horribleness. Or is it just yet another straw man after all? I for one don’t recall seeing a single such claim. How bout a pointer?
And, I dunno… maybe someone got the notion from you?
Andy Patterson
May 28, 2017 at 11:12 pm[Robin S. Kurz] “Okay, now that you’ve stated that over and over and over and over again ????… do tell: who? When? Where? Because it apparently had to have been a BUNCH of “all the people” here, since why else would you post this otherwise unrelated clip in this particular forum?”
Perhaps you should read the comments in the link above. There have been many times people have said negative things about Premiere Pro’s titling system while glorify FCPX. I am not going to waste my time going through comments form 2 and 3 months ago but here are some recent quotes for you.
[Scott Witthaus] “”Doesn’t FCPX need a new titling tool much more than Premiere Pro?”
No, or not as nearly as bad as Premiere needed it. That title tool was stuck in the 1990’s. In my opinion only, of course.”
[Robin S. Kurz] “[Scott Witthaus] “In my opinion only, of course.”
Not only yours, believe me.”
[Doug Metz] “I am *dying* to see an example from you using PP CS 4.
No, not literally dying. Let’s say ‘eager’.
Doug Metz”
[Brian Seegmiller] “Dying to see the demo.”
For the record the titles in my video were done with Premiere Pro 1.0 not Premiere Pro CS4. Having said that I believe you have your quotes.
[Robin S. Kurz] “And, I dunno… maybe someone got the notion from you?”
I did not say the titling tool was bad in my video. I made a video that showed a bug in Premiere Pro. I find it interesting that after watching my video you cannot just simply say “I guess Premiere Pro does have a decent titling system”. Instead you have to show a video of a bug in Premiere Pro. As stated in the video in CPU mode everything works OK. It did not crash the machine unlike the bug in FCPX video below but you won’t ever bad mouth FCPX. You shake your pom poms for FCPX when ever possible and bad mouth Premiere Pro when ever possible. Everyone on these forums knows it and it can get annoying. I bad mouth Adobe as much as Apple and everyone knows that as well. Having said that if you cannot create stylish titles using Premiere Pro, Premiere Pro would not be the problem.
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Brian Seegmiller
May 29, 2017 at 5:55 amThis funny. Showing the problems with FCP X a few versions back. Kind of irrelevant at this point.
Robin S. kurz
May 29, 2017 at 8:33 am[Brian Seegmiller] “This funny.”
Yeah, no kiddin’. ????
Never mind that that was A SIERRA BUG (or quite possibly even one of the usual shoddy drivers for BMD hardware) not an FCP one. Once FCP was updated for Sierra (I believe just a week later?) everything was of course fine.
Never mind that the only instances of the word “horrible” (4) anywhere in this context were uttered by… guess who. ???? -
Andy Patterson
May 29, 2017 at 8:43 am[Brian Seegmiller] “This funny. Showing the problems with FCP X a few versions back. Kind of irrelevant at this point.”
It is not as funny as your comment considering the FCPX video was posted on Oct 16, 2016. The FCPX video is actually newer than the Premiere Pro video but you missed that part didn’t you? As stated in the FCPX video simply changing the color of a title caused FCPX to crash. I would be ticked off if Premiere Pro crashed like that. Having said that this thread should not be about bugs in FCPX or Premiere Pro. The obvious topic of the thread is does Photoshop have an old and outdated titling system from the 1990s? If not how could anyone claim Premiere Pro does?
[Brian Seegmiller] “Dying to see the demo.”
If you want to start a new discussion about bugs in Premiere Pro you can but this thread was started in part because you were dying to see the demo. I couldn’t live with my self if you died. Simply posting “thanks for taking the time to make the demo” might be a nice gesture don’t ya think?
Andy Patterson
May 29, 2017 at 8:53 am[Robin S. Kurz] “Never mind that that was A SIERRA BUG (or quite possibly even one of the usual shoddy drivers for BMD hardware) not an FCP one.”
Either way it does not look good for Apple. Keep in mind Adobe has to write code for Mac and PC. FCPX is only available on the Mac OS. There should be less risks of bugs for FCPX than Premiere Pro but you forgot about that part of the equation didn’t you? Having said that this is not a thread about bugs in Premiere Pro or FCPX. If you want to start a thread about bugs in the NLEs feel free to do so. This thread is about Premiere Pro having inferior titling system according to you and many others. Could you please comment on that instead of changing the subject?
Brian Seegmiller
May 29, 2017 at 4:04 pmI don’t understand, the video you posted in this forum was posted May 28th 2017 not 2016. It may have been created back in 2016, but you posted it just yesterday. With that being said, I do wish FCP X had a basic way to draw shapes like PP can. But I would still create my custom titles in Motion.
Jeremy Garchow
May 29, 2017 at 4:57 pm[Brian Seegmiller] “With that being said, I do wish FCP X had a basic way to draw shapes like PP can.”
Use the “draw mask” filter on a solid or any piece of media.
Andy Patterson
May 29, 2017 at 6:16 pm[Brian Seegmiller] “I don’t understand, the video you posted in this forum was posted May 28th 2017 not 2016. It may have been created back in 2016, but you posted it just yesterday”
I am referring to the Premiere Pro bug video that Robin posted. That one is old.
John Pale
May 29, 2017 at 8:21 pmI guess my point is, that pretty much everyone who has PPRo also has AE…so I can’t see Adobe putting in all the 3D and advanced features you see in FCPX….they view Creative Cloud as a suite of integrated programs, and AE is the tool for those tasks. Not saying I’m totally on board with that strategy, but that’s how It is.
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