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Activity Forums VEGAS Pro White/Black Limiting Option

  • White/Black Limiting Option

    Posted by Joshua Jackson on July 29, 2016 at 12:34 am

    I’m working with some video where an LED light was on the camera.
    At normal distances, everything is fine, but there are times when the camera gets too close and blows the whites out.
    I could use Color Levels and do some correction to each bit or on the whole track.
    If I do it on each bit, there’s a lot of back-and-forth.
    If I do it on the track, most of the video will be too dull.
    In the audio world, I would put a limiter on the track and say “don’t go past this threshold”.
    Is there something like that, in the video world?
    Can I specify a limit to white and black and just have the software sort it all?

    John Rofrano replied 8 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Wayne Waag

    July 29, 2016 at 12:54 am

    I think you are looking for some type of autolevels capability. There was a filter written for Vegas by Mike Crash some years ago, but it only worked for 32 bit versions.

    There are also filters available using Avisynth that may work. Having said that, the best is just to apply the Level FX filter in Vegas and then use Animate to change the white and black levels manually. It may be tedious, but the results may be better. How much, however, is pretty questionable since overblown highlights are virtually impossible to correct. Its always better to err in the direction of underexposure.


  • Joshua Jackson

    July 29, 2016 at 12:58 am

    Automation, huh…
    I’ve worked with that, very little, in audio (volume).
    How do you work automation with an effect?
    I don’t have a control surface or anything.

  • Wayne Waag

    July 29, 2016 at 1:38 am

    Automation?? Not sure what you mean. In my post, I mentioned Animate not automate. Selecting the Animate button, the little clock-looking icon, in your effects window allows you to add keyframes at any point along the timeline and change the value of selected parameters–e.g. input level. In this manner you can change the values of parameters along the timeline and Vegas will automatically make those changes according to whatever type of keyframe you are using (e.g. linear, smooth, etc.).


  • John Rofrano

    July 29, 2016 at 11:31 am

    [Joshua Jackson] “In the audio world, I would put a limiter on the track and say “don’t go past this threshold”.
    Is there something like that, in the video world?”

    Yes, there is. Place the Broadcast Colors filter on the Master Video Bus (above the Preview Window) or even on a Track if you want, and it will clamp down the video to broadcast legal limits much like a Brick Wall Limiter. There are several presets for different broadcast standards.


  • Joshua Jackson

    July 29, 2016 at 2:13 pm

    My bad on the animate versus automate issue…
    I’m not sure if I misread it or simply misunderstood what you meant.
    I know you’re talking about now, though, and that would be tedious.

  • Joshua Jackson

    July 29, 2016 at 3:41 pm

    [John Rofrano] “Yes, there is. Place the Broadcast Colors filter on the Master Video Bus (above the Preview Window) or even on a Track if you want, and it will clamp down the video to broadcast legal limits much like a Brick Wall Limiter. There are several presets for different broadcast standards.”

    Thanks, man.
    That’s exactly what I was looking for.
    It’s not perfect, but it does make an acceptable video much easier.
    I’m not editing a big budget movie, here, just some internet video.

  • John Rofrano

    July 30, 2016 at 2:05 pm

    You’re welcome. I should point out that it clips instead of compresses so anything outside of legal gets clipped to legal which can cause you to loose detail so it’s always good to use the Levels filter to bring your video into range first and use the Broadcast Color as an insurance plan (which Is why I usually place it on the Master Video Bus).


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