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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro White balance tips

  • White balance tips

    Posted by Brian Bernhard on January 31, 2024 at 11:41 pm

    Howdy all, traditionally I’ve used the color picker primarily when white balancing in premiere. However, I was taught a trick recently, about crushing the exposure and saturation to make a hot white dot, than centering that in the scope with the sliders. It seems to work sometimes. That being said, the color picker doesn’t always seem to be as accurate as it should be, sometimes I’ll select something that should be white and things go totally sideways.

    Does anyone know of any tips for white balancing in lumetrie, that is definitively the most accurate way to get a true white balance with just the scopes, taking any guess work away from weather something looks a little too blue or orange?

    Looking for speed and consistency.


    Hector Vera replied 10 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Hector Vera

    February 2, 2024 at 1:26 am

    White Balance in Lumetri eh? I remember doing this last year with some of my video projects when I was practicing Adobe Premiere Pro. There are many options within the Lumetri you can play around with to get the vibrant colors you want. You can set the intensity, sharpness, saturation and Vibrance for example all combined and a couple of color wheels below those settings where you can play around with the color settings.

    If you want a more indepth tutorial, here is a link I have that can help you with that that I found on YouTube, hope its able to help you get the results you want:

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