Creative Communities of the World Forums

The peer to peer support community for media production professionals.

Activity Forums Letters to the COW Team What happened to the Jobs Area?

  • Tim Wilson

    December 14, 2020 at 6:34 pm

    Hi Joey,

    As often happens with major renovations in software, the first iteration of the new thing has to leave parts of the old things behind, or the new thing wouldn’t be able to happen at all.

    Apple did this most famously with the first release of Final Cut Pro X (as it was then called), being very direct about the features that were absent for now, to return soon.

    Less remembered because it was so long ago, but the first version of Premiere was Mac-only, yet for its first four years, Premiere Pro was Windows-only. Adobe said that there weren’t any Macs capable of delivering the kind of realtime performance that Premiere Pro’s new architecture demanded, but that they’d be back on Mac as soon as they could be — which is exactly what happened.

    Ours isn’t quite as dramatic as either of those, of course. The forums have been the heart of Creative COW from the beginning, and indeed, in the very beginning, that’s pretty much all there was. Tutorials, news, jobs, services, reels, and the rest all came later.

    Having said all that, a big reason for our move to a new architecture is specifically because of the ways we want to expand career development opportunities at the COW. A new jobs center will be at the beating heart of that, along with the closely related Services listings, which is a way for our members to make their companies available for jobs, so to speak.

    There’s more, but I did want to underscore that we’re not just bringing the jobs section back. We’re expanding it, and deepening its integration into the rest of the COW.

    I wish I could be more specific about the timetable. We’re wrestling with one of the nicest problems a web developer can have, that the expansion of our membership and traffic has accelerated vastly ahead of our wildest expectation, and we’re having to spend this month doing some major re-engineering to accommodate the increased load. This has necessitated a detour in our development process, but like I said, most web folks would rather have this kind of problem than most others. ?

    Thanks for asking, Joey! We’re excited about what’s coming, and will get it to you as quickly as we can.


    Tim Wilson
    Creative COW

  • Joey Morelli

    December 14, 2020 at 8:05 pm

    Thanks Tim! Looking forward to it!

  • Corey Witte

    December 16, 2020 at 3:18 am

    Hi Tim,

    Does that mean prospective employers have to wait to post job openings until the new jobs section launches?

    Or, can we post jobs within a relevant forum?


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