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Activity Forums Creative Community Conversations Walter Murch and editing COUP 53

  • David Roth weiss

    August 23, 2020 at 6:34 pm

    Nice work Oliver!!!

    David Roth Weiss
    Director/Editor/Colorist & Workflow Consultant
    David Weiss Productions
    Los Angeles

    David is a Creative COW contributing editor and a forum host of the Apple Final Cut Pro Legacy forum.

  • Oliver Peters

    August 23, 2020 at 7:09 pm

    Thanks. I’m glad you liked it. Walter Murch is always good for editing theory and a fascinating discussion. It’s also an entertaining and enlightening documentary. Obviously it’s hard to tell a complex story within a two-hour constraint, but it’s worth the viewing on several levels. I hope folks who read through the blog post will also take the time to go down the rabbit hole for many of the links, including Murch’s presentation at LACPUG.

    – Oliver

    Oliver Peters –

  • Herb Sevush

    August 24, 2020 at 12:49 pm

    Great interview Oliver. Thanks.

    Herb Sevush
    Zebra Productions
    nothin\’ attached to nothin\’
    \”Deciding the spine is the process of editing\” F. Bieberkopf

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