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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Voice over vexation

  • Voice over vexation

    Posted by Jim Watt on March 1, 2012 at 3:04 am

    New MacPro 2 X 2.93 GHz 6-Core intel Xeon
    12GBs Ram
    Nvidia Quadro 4000 2048 MB video card
    Software 10.7.2
    Video Card:  Kona 3 with 9.0.3 driver & 9.01 premier plugin
    Videodrive:  7200 RPM 2 TB internal (not the system drive)  remaining space about 750 GB
    Adobe CS 5.5 software
     Shute XLR to USB adapter X2U
    The transition from FCP7 to Premier CS5.5 continues with great satisfaction with most of the program, but voice over is not so satisfying.
    After finding out from AJA that Kona 3 does not support VO in Premier I purchased an XLR To USB adapter figuring I could open a new project and set it up for VO or setup Audition for VO using the USB input.  I made a recording in Audition which played back just fine in Audition.  Saved it and imported the file to Premier.  Opened file in viewer and the waveform looked good, but no audio.  Also when I tried to place the file on the timeline an icon I hadn’t seen before appeared and the file would not stick.  Sequence incidentally is an AJA KONA 1080 29.97i setup.
    On my laptop I tried doing a similar recording in Audition, but placing it in a premier XDCAM EX HQ timeline and it worked as you might expect.  Fine.
    As another test on my laptop I opened FCP7, recorded a VO imported it into my main edit system, placed it on the Kona timeline and it worked fine.
    I’ve been editing HD on a MAC since 2000 and I think I have a “clue” but clearly I’m either missing something really stupid obvious or this is something that needs to be addressed in CS 6.
    Any ideas on how to solve this issue?  Overall I love the program with some reservations, but I suppose that’s what life is all about.
    Thx…Jim Watt

    Producer/DP, HD series, “Discoveries…America”, “Discoveries…Ireland”, “Discoveries…Spain”,
    “Discoveries…Argentina”, Discoveries…India”, “Discoveries…Asia”, “Discoveries…Africa”

    Vince Becquiot replied 12 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Vince Becquiot

    March 1, 2012 at 4:10 am

    Hi jim,

    It would be nice if you could post a screen cap of that icon. It sounds like there may be an odd channel mapping happening with AJA. If you are seeing the waveform, then I would right click on the file, go to modify and look at the audio channel mappings and change everything to mono. What format / sample rate are you using to save from Audition?

    In the end, it really sounds like an AJA issue.

    Vince Becquiot

    Kaptis Studios
    San Francisco – Bay Area

  • Jim Watt

    March 1, 2012 at 5:27 pm

    I tried a .wav, .mov and .aif file at 48khz. The icon only appears while dragging the file to the timeline, but here is a shot from my Iphone.

    Producer/DP, HD series, “Discoveries…America”, “Discoveries…Ireland”, “Discoveries…Spain”,
    “Discoveries…Argentina”, Discoveries…India”, “Discoveries…Asia”, “Discoveries…Africa”

  • Jim Watt

    March 1, 2012 at 5:30 pm

    this is the url where the pic of the icon is.

    Producer/DP, HD series, “Discoveries…America”, “Discoveries…Ireland”, “Discoveries…Spain”,
    “Discoveries…Argentina”, Discoveries…India”, “Discoveries…Asia”, “Discoveries…Africa”

  • Vince Becquiot

    March 1, 2012 at 7:14 pm

    Sorry to say that the icon didn’t help, maybe someone else can chime in.

    Try changing the default player to Adobe player in your preferences and see if you are getting playback out of your onboard audio output. That would confirm an AJA audio routing issue.

    Vince Becquiot

    Kaptis Studios
    San Francisco – Bay Area

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