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  • Video quality in timeline playback In DiVinci Resolve

    Posted by Kenneth Maultsby on April 17, 2022 at 9:53 pm

    Hello, all I am having this issue with DR playback quality. I may have asked this question before but no resolution. This is what’s happening and I hope I can describe it where it is understandable. In the source viewer and timeline viewer in playback, I get jagged edges, waive lines, and distortion on objects in the video. It is almost like zebra lines. It does not affect the final output but I would like to correct this if possible. The cameras I am using are both Canon’s. Canon R6 shooting in 4K 3840 x 2160 MP4 CLog 3 at 23.986 and a Canon Vixia GX10 4K 4K 3840 x 2160 MP4 at 23.986. My computer Graphics Card in an NVidia GeForce RTX 2070. I am using dual Dell U2717D monitors and the Display resolution is set at 2560 x 1440 recommended by Windows. I have tried different project settings nothing is working. I will attach my project settings.

    Karl Buhl replied 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Karl Buhl

    May 1, 2022 at 6:05 pm

    Hi Kenneth. I logged into Creative Cow today, read your question, and empathize. I don’t have a clear answer, but I have a few ideas.

    The fact that you are seeing the video artifacts in both source and timeline viewers suggests a hardware problem—to me, anyway.

    The first flag for me is that you are attempting to view UHD (3840 x 2160) video, but your monitor is set to 2560 x 1440. You have a mismatch between what you’re attempting to play, and what your monitor is capable of delivering. My guess is, this might be what’s causing the bad video in Resolve—particularly because both the source and timeline viewers are scaled down (e.g. not full-screen).

    Your graphics card and monitors appear to be capable of supporting UHD. So, why is Windows recommending 2560 x 1440? Something’s amiss.

    Go into Windows settings and see if you can set the resolution to the higher 3840 x 2160. If Windows doesn’t give you an option higher than 2560 x 1440, Windows thinks you don’t have a UHD monitor attached. The question is why. If you can’t figure it out, call MSFT tech support to ask them.

    Before you do that:

    > Check to ensure your video cables are up to spec.

    > Open the GeForce Experience software to update the RTX 2070 driver to current version.

    > Update DR to the most current release version (mine is 17.4.6 build 4).

    > Update Windows to the most current version. Are you using Win 10 or Win 11? If Windows 10, then upgrade to Windows 11. If Windows indicates that your PC isn’t capable of the upgrade, that may be another clue that your motherboard isn’t fully capable of supporting UHD.

    (I’m sure you’ve done all the above, but just double-check those steps before you call MSFT.)

    Some ideas for you.

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