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Activity Forums Adobe Photoshop Video Playback Problem with latest version of PS

  • Video Playback Problem with latest version of PS

    Posted by Jim Arco on April 12, 2020 at 11:54 am

    I occasionally use Photoshop to tweak/enhance video and do things that can’t easily be done in After Effects.

    Until the latest version of Photoshop (21.1.1), I could preview video by hitting the timeline play button. PS would often slowly ‘render’ the timeline, then it could be played in real-time. With 21.1.1, when I hit play, PS gives me every 10th or 15th frame. You can see the little green markers spaced out irregularly at the top of the timeline.

    Is there some setting I’m not finding? Or has Adobe snuck in a new “feature?”


    Jim Arco replied 4 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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