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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Video Intro Project | Need feedback and improvement suggestions

  • Video Intro Project | Need feedback and improvement suggestions

    Posted by Jacob Anderson on February 25, 2014 at 2:24 pm

    Hey guys,

    Haven’t had much luck over at the Video Copilot forums as far as getting feedback on my composition I’ve been working on. We are looking to replace our intro for our videos and I have been tasked to do just this. We are an automotive video source. Here is an example of one of our videos with the current intro video:

    I’ve taken some time to think of something that relates to automotive enthusiasts and came up with this new intro that features some cool turbochargers using Element 3D, depth of field, and motion blur. I really like where this is going, but I feel like the final scene doesn’t show the logo off. It’s as though everything bleeds together.

    What suggestions do you have for me? I’d like some feedback, good or bad. I’m simply looking to improve this introduction.

    Below are two links: one with text overlay of our sponsors and one using Element 3D to present the logos. Which looks better? I feel like the logos in the Element 3D representation are hard to read and don’t “pop.”


    Thanks for your input, guys. I appreciate it!


    After many suggestions and edits, this is the most recent version of the video! Please let me know if you guys have any other suggestions as to how we can improve this. We are hoping this is the final revision but if you see something you feel could be capitalized on, let’s make it happen.

    Thanks guys!


    Made a couple *very* minor changes, including the more dynamic movement of the letters flying in an adjusting the optical flare behind the logo and the sponsor logo positions due to YouTube advertisement positioning.

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    John Cuevas replied 10 years, 11 months ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Chris Brett

    February 25, 2014 at 3:51 pm


    For me the logo / lettering is a lot more interesting than the turbochargers – which although for enthusiasts undoubtedly have interest for your intro I would say they are a bit dull – thyerefore suggest as follows

    1 ) – keep the turbochagers for the content and omit from intro

    2 ) – add some suitable adrenaline junkie colours

    3 ) – add some hi-energy adrenaline junkie movements to logo anim

    4 ) – maybe add some whizzy stuff behind the lettering – flames – billowing smoke etc – to suggest afterburner – tyres spinning what ever – or maybe some loud abstact graphics —

    – also maybe try what feels like a bit ‘over the top’ as well – it often isnt when it comes to titles …

    …………….. all the best ——–chris–

  • George Goodman

    February 25, 2014 at 4:19 pm

    I’m not sure if you have any room here or not, but I would change the color of the text as possible. In the final screen, it all kind of blends together so you’re not really telling me where to put my attention.

    Looks really good btw!

    “|_ (°_0) _|”



  • Mike Sevigny

    February 25, 2014 at 4:29 pm

    This intro looks great. You’re right when you say that the type doesn’t read well in Element. Perhaps keep them as 2D overlays but only have them come in at the end when the flash/pan happens.

    I would argue that the ‘1320 video’ doesn’t really read either because it’s so close in color to the background. Is there a way to add a stroke effect around the text or the frame? I’m not that good with Element 3D so I don’t know what specifically you need to tweak for that.

    Alternatively you could make the type with after effect’s default extruded 3D text and material options. That would likely give you the control you’re looking for.

    Really nice work,
    Mike Sevigny

  • Joseph W. bourke

    February 25, 2014 at 4:31 pm

    One way to keep the turbochargers in there (if you really want them) is to change the lighting on them. Give them that deep blue high-tech lighting with a couple of comp lights, and save the hero lighting for the titles. You might get better control over this by putting the turbochargers on a separate layer, and also maybe using depth of field to kick them down a little bit more. This would also give you a much deeper look to the 3D, which looks a bit flat right now.

    Joe Bourke
    Owner/Creative Director
    Bourke Media

  • Jacob Anderson

    February 25, 2014 at 6:12 pm

    I like this idea of putting them into their own comp. Do you have an example of this type of light you speak of? A photo would do, a video would be even better.


  • Jacob Anderson

    February 25, 2014 at 6:14 pm

    I’ll try out some different colors and/or textures on the 1320 logo in the final sequence. As for the sequences, do they all flow well? Are they fitting? Do any distract from the main focus? Is the length good?

  • Joseph W. bourke

    February 26, 2014 at 12:58 am

    Since I don’t have your project, I can’t show you a specific example of a light, but you should be able to figure that out. I would suggest a Spot Light, because you can control the beam width and where it falls on your background elements. Play around with the color, Cone Angle, and Feather until it looks good to you. Here’s some good info on lights:

    Joe Bourke
    Owner/Creative Director
    Bourke Media

  • Jacob Anderson

    February 26, 2014 at 2:24 pm

    Ok guys, here is a revision. I took some notes and made some changes. I’m also starting my audio design and hoping there isn’t too much adjustment from here on out. I’d like your feedback though.

    A couple things I noted in the video below are the following:

    1. I removed a portion of the turbo in the beginning (backfire scene) which I will be putting back (look closely at the turbo closest to you).

    2. The audio in the first part seems too quiet relative to the second half. I’ll turn this up.

    3. The “E” in the “VIDEO” part of the 1320Video logo needs to be corrected, looks like a tracing issue. I’ll adjust the trace.

    4. The shake is causing the edge of the video to expose a black background, need to stretch the image a bit to correct this.

    Anything else you guys recommend? I decided to try out the sponsors at the bottom in 2D. Maybe I could bring those in with a little more enthusiasm? Some kind of cool text animation?

    Does this “grab” you and make you want to see what follows? Is there anything that turns you away?

    Thanks guys!

  • John Cuevas

    February 27, 2014 at 11:08 pm

    I think the white flash/lens flare should be quicker, and perhaps play with the transfer modes on it, so it interacts a little more as it leaves/fades out. But overall I like it.

    Johnny Cuevas, Editor

    “I have not failed 700 times. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.”
    —THOMAS EDISON on inventing the light bulb.

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