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Activity Forums RE:Vision Effects Video Gogh – How make it ?

  • Pierre Jasmin

    February 11, 2017 at 6:48 pm

    First there are two layers with a feather matte to reveal the effect on top layer (so part of image is not processed)

    On top layer before Video Gogh Pro there is a stylize effect combo to pre-process the source (one of the effect might be AE find edges…). So in a precomp do the stylization pre-process.

    In main comp, apply Video gogh to the stylized layer, and use Video Gogh Pro and place the original clip on second layer. In Video Gogh Pro set ALT Motion Src to the second layer (the original clip). You probably need as well to make Max Brush Size much smaller than default value.

    That should get you in proper direction I hope,


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