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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Video editing Career


  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    September 23, 2024 at 7:22 pm

    Hey Mohamed,

    Keep editing, then do some more editing, before keep on editing, and repeat that process.

    However, if you go niche, and become really good in editing for specific segment:
    Documentaries, commercials, music videos, Broadcast News, Magazine, discussions, feature films or anything that takes your fancy.
    Then you’ll be able to home in on customers that will pay you for doing what you like to do the most.

    Don’t forget to upskill at all times – learn Photoshop & After Effects, or similar.

    Use other editing platforms, as we don’t know at which point Adobe will put their professional tools in a grave, and only do Prosumer…
    You could teach yourself Davinci Resolve (+Fusion), FCPX and Avid + maybe Vegas too.
    Once an editor, and good at that, the tool matters less than your style of working and editing.

    Also get good at Motion Graphics, grading, audio sweetening/repair and creating masters that will not fail QC.

    Easy, right?
    Don’t worry, it only takes 10,000 hours to get there.


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