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Activity Forums Field Production Vertical to Horizontal Touchscreen Recording Red Bar & Cropped Image Disaster

  • Vertical to Horizontal Touchscreen Recording Red Bar & Cropped Image Disaster

    Posted by Greg Ondera on April 12, 2021 at 1:50 pm

    I recorded a total hip arthroplasty for a company using an intelligent video interface that evaluates and corrects anatomic navigation and image distortion challenges with fluoroscopy. Cool device and the touchscreen on their unit is vertical.

    I tapped into the monitor output DVI to HDMI to my Atomos Shogun 7 and recorded the screen image horizontally, thinking no problem, that I would rotate the image 90 degrees during editing. I pushed record and went to work my cameras.

    Well, this is the image I got throughout! I didn’t think at the time that the red bar at the bottom was displacing the image and cutting off an equal amount of territory, out of frame up screen because on the Shogun there is a gradient bar giving recording information up top. I assumed the whole frame was coming into the recording. It wasn’t! I’m fried here!

    Does anyone know if this is a common occurrence with video screens recorded horizontally? What do you even call that red bar at the bottom? What could be the cause? Should I have used an AJA ROI to bypass the DVI straight out of their computing unit and not taken the signal from the monitor? In other words, was it the monitor that did the distortion? Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    I’m fried on this anyway and just starting my inquiry. I will talk with the company software engineer soon. Ughhh! I am wondering if this is a common occurrence?

    Greg Ondera replied 3 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Mark Suszko

    April 12, 2021 at 8:33 pm

    That’s a terrible thing to have happen, I can’t even joke about it. Did you not do test playbacks first? Typically, you would connect their medical hardware to a scan converter/scaler first, and then to your recording device, monitoring both the scan conversion output and then testing a playback out of the recording device as well. If it was me, I’d also have put an actual 2k or 4k camera on the monitor the whole time, just as a backup.

    Sometimes these machines also have their own internal recorders, have you checked for that?

  • Greg Ondera

    April 12, 2021 at 10:17 pm

    Thanks for your reply. My Shogun is new and I thought the red bar was a recording indicator. I talked with the client and sure enough they were able to take a straight DVI to HDMI out to a monitor they have sitting around and the output worked like a charm. Which leads me to believe that I should have used my AJA ROI with DVI throughput and recorded through SDI. I’m not sure what does this, but it is painful. In an OR it simply is not possible to train a camera on the screen as those screens get moved around quite a bit and they are touchscreen anyway.

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