Verify pass reduces tape life?
I’ve been doing a separate explicit verify pass after write when doing backups to LTO-6 and 7 tapes.
Using Bru-PE.While reading up a wikipedia article on LTO I came across this…
“The tape drives use a strong error correction algorithm that makes data recovery possible when lost data is within one track. Also, when data is written to the tape it is verified by reading it back using the read heads that are positioned just ‘behind’ the write heads. This allows the drive to write a second copy of any data that fails the verify without the help of the host system.”
So, verify is happening after writing and any errors are getting corrected on the fly.
“LTO tape is designed for 15 to 30 years of archival storage. Depending on the generation of LTO technology, a single LTO tape should be able to sustain approximately 200-364 full file passes.” and “One full file pass is equal to writing enough data to fill an entire tape and takes between 44 and 136 end-to-end passes.”
So, these 44 to 136 end-to-end passes are only one of the 200 to 364 full passes? Meaning the tape life is actually 44×200=8,800 end-to-end passes.
And further,
“LTO uses an automatic verify-after-write technology to immediately check the data as it is being written, but some backup systems explicitly perform a completely separate tape reading operation to verify the tape was written correctly. This separate verify operation doubles the number of end-to-end passes for each scheduled backup, and reduces the tape life by half.”So, the question is, should one do a full verify pass after write, or should one not.
This is significant with LTO-7 tapes where my records show that 5.1 TB of data takes about 14 hours to write and about 8 hours to verify. If I eliminate verify I can save 9 hours per tape. To backup about 60 TB rushes of a full feature, that would add up to a significant time saving. Almost a week less. Besides increasing the tape life span.I’ve just gone through the past record of a feature backup of 137 TB. And the Bru reports did not record a single error after verify.
So, is it overkill to do a separate verify pass?
Neil Sadwelkar
twitter: fcpguru
FCP Editor, Edit systems consultant
Mumbai India