Vegas Pro 19 has gone bonkers on me!
Not doing as much editing as I have in the past, the other day I loaded two clips into VP 19 to synchronize using Pluraleyes. Never had a problem with Pluraleyes in the past, and I do have all of the VP 19 updates that ever were released. After Pluraleyes was finished I went into multicamera switching mode in VP 19, and when done the audio and video were a bit out of sync–strange…but if I muted the second camera’s video on the timeline the first camera’s audio and video went back to being sync’d. Now I have had a number of problems with VP 19 in the past that have been resolved, but this is a new one! To resolve the issue, I loaded my clips into VP 18 and was 100% successful in using Pluraleyes, so I copied/pasted everything into VP 19 and all appeared just fine. I read that Pluraleyes no longer is being supported, as well–any info on this? Any other sync software out there or that anyone recommends?
Back to topic: When I opened the sync’d veg file in VP 19 this morning, I observed a number of strange phenomena–jittery clips, clips playing in reverse, loss of audio, etc., so I moved my work back to VP 18 without incident.
Maybe my VP 19 install is haunted, with all of the problems I have experienced. Anyone else having problems with VP 19? Maybe I just should uninstall/reinstall it–any advice on how to do this so I will not lose my presets and customized desktop? I may purchase VP 22 if and when it comes out (is it planned for this year?), but for now any advice on making VP 19 usable once again would be most appreciated.
Thank you in advance.