Vegas 21 cutting off last few seconds of imported OBS files
First, I am a 25-year user of Vegas for video production so not a newbie to this. Second i have been using Vegas Pro 21 since its release. On a everyday basis i record zoom video depositions to a laptop using OBS then import those files into Vegas and render them to mpeg-4 without a single issue. Now i have a big issue with Vegas cutting off the last few seconds of files. So, the question is why is that? What changed in the recent release to screw this up? The issue is Vegas cuts off the last few seconds of the files. Sometimes it cuts off the entire audio and video clip in the timeline and sometimes as it just did today the video and audio appear at the end of the clip in the timeline complete with the audio waveform, but it will not play back the last few seconds of audio. What the heck did they screw up with the program to cause this? No other editor i own has this issue, i can use the same exact OBS files in Resolve or Masteringworks and no problem, no issue, both of those programs display the entire clip and render it perfectly. Finely It doesn’t matter what laptop i try it on, same problem, same problem in windows 10 or 11, same problem rendering with the GPU or not. When importing Panasonic camera generated clips such as mpeg4 or MTS files no issue with this and again never an issue previously with vegas as in the previously released versions of 21 or 20.