Using Mac Pro internal RAID solution
Hi All,
I wanted to drop a note that I’ve been using the internal drive slots in my Mac Pro as a RAID solution for multiple drives for over 6 months now. Meaning, I swap out the drives for different projects on a regular basis. I don’t use them for one big permanent RAID solution. Though I have tested “hot swapping” the drives (it worked a few times, and a few it didn’t) I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not a viable solution for hot-swapping. Also, the heat created by the machine is enough to make pulling the trays a nightmare if you haven’t let the machine rest (with the panel open) and cool down. However, everything else works perfectly. I’m not savvy on running tests for speed, but I’ve used a variety of SATA Drives and have had not one hang ups; either with SD or HD material. I would recommend this as a temporary solution to anyone with limited funds wanting to upgrade an older system, or create a new one. Notice I mention temporary. This is not how Apple recommends (or I bet many of the pros here recommend) using a new Mac Pro, but it does work and has not created killed my system, yet. *falls over chair to knock on wood*
StoneWinston A. Cely
Editor/Owner | Della St. Media, LLC“If God could do the tricks we can do, He’d be a happy Man.” – Peter O’Toole – “The Stuntman”
Mac Pro 3GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
4 GB RAM | Final Cut Studio 5.1.4 | Aja Kona LHe