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Activity Forums Avid Media Composer Using a Sony J30 SDI Player with an Avid Xpress Pro

  • Using a Sony J30 SDI Player with an Avid Xpress Pro

    Posted by John Murphy on April 6, 2005 at 1:50 pm

    I’m thinking of purchasing the Sony J30 SDI Player for importing DigiBeta into an Avid Xpreess Pro system. How does this work with the mojo. do i require any more equuipment or can i just import through the firewire?
    I’m presuming i would have to bring didibeta in on full res and am slightly concerned with how much space this would take up…Any help on this topic would be much apprecited.
    John Murphy

    John Murphy replied 19 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jon Zanone

    April 7, 2005 at 11:21 am

    I don’t know much about the J decks other than one of the models is not frame accurate (I believe it’s the bottom-level model). Meaning, you can’t do frame accurate digi cuts. It’s meant to be a feeder deck. Using firewire automatically says DV25 (I could be wrong). Unless you are hooked up via Avid’s magic component cable, I don’t think you’ll get full rez…


  • Dom Silverio

    April 7, 2005 at 1:33 pm

    It is a fine deck. Works great.

    If you use the firewire port, you are not bringing in the DigiBeta at full res but a compressed DV resolution. So you are transcoding the Digibeta to DV.

    DV is of course 3.6 MB/s or about 13.5 GB/h.

  • Otis F

    April 8, 2005 at 11:24 am

    I was about to pose the same question as John having just seen such a set up yesterday at another company. They had a J30 hooked up to Avid Xpress Pro HD, but didn’t know what happened when you took footage in via firewire i.e. if it compressed it or worked in a similar way to the AJA IO. In capture mode it still gave you the 1:1 option?

    I’m in the awkward position of trying to make a decision as to upgrading our third edit suite, I was sold on FCP but hafter having had a little play with the MOJO set up I’m beginning to have a rethink. We have an old Media Compser which we need to upgrade, and the company already upgraded another suite with FCP HD on a Cinewave card. But there are going to be a lot of programmes that are going to have to sit around as offlines before we will be able to online, and I worry that FCP HD is not really up to this workflow, especially as I’ve heard that if you add slow mo effects for example, then when you online FCP doesn’t apply the correct speed setting.

    All that said you can get Apples production suite and one of the many SDI cards a lot cheaper than the Xpress/MOJO route. If that thing had SDI it would be a no brainer, as a digital workflow is important to us.

    Thanks for any advice.

    Otis F

  • Scimmy

    April 9, 2005 at 8:06 am

    If you are planning for a digital-deck input (SDI), Kona2 is ideal. Kona2 will D-con to SD thru an analog monitor output as well. As a Mac/Adrenaline user who needed Hi-Def-ability before Avid was ready to supply it, I opted for the Kona2 as my offline solution to down convert HD to SD(DV-NTSC) to offline my HD jobs. I Dwn-Con HD-SDI to SD-SDI on the way into my Mac Adrenaline, then after editing a sequence in AXP or MC, I use AutoDuck to export an OMF of the final seq to FCPHD for conform & output in uncompressed HDCam. This workaround costs 25% of the cost of an Avid HD expansion board that doesn’t exist yet. Is Avid listening? I want an Avid solution, but it doesn’t exist in my world. The “drive off the Mac User” plan is working! TS

  • John Murphy

    April 9, 2005 at 5:52 pm

    Lads, thanks a million for your helpon this topic. It looks like we are going to get this deck anyways as we are just using the xpress to do offline edits and the deck is fine for just loading up etc..
    one last question. If i have audio recorded digitally onto digibeta tapes will they remain digital if i bring them inusing firewire with the above mentioned deck or will some degree of analog conversion happen.

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