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Activity Forums Maxon Cinema 4D use effectors on objects without Clone

  • use effectors on objects without Clone

    Posted by Sempre Arzillo on October 31, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    assuming I have hundreds of objects, I reduce the matter to 4 cubes..

    if I use a random effector as in the example of the image below, if I act for example on the parameters on the Y axis at -320 (with the Max effector at 100% and Min at -100%), the cubes are moved towards the bottom, so the same will be done with respect to the parameters that I will insert in the X and Z axes, in practice you will obtain a movement towards the indicated directions




    if I use the same effector on a cube inserted in a Clone the movement I will obtain with the same random effector will be different, it will push the cubes in the opposite direction in the Y axis (the two cubes above upwards and the two below downwards) , but in a non-linear way in the example, despite all having the same value, the cube on the top right went higher than the one on the top left and vice versa those below.


    Is there a system or formula that allows objects to do the same thing, starting from precise coordinates and then expanding, but without using Clone, since I already have several hundred objects to move positioned in an environment?



    Sempre Arzillo replied 4 weeks ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies

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