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Activity Forums Panasonic Cameras Urgent help needed in xfer from HVX200p to FCP

  • Jeremy Garchow

    April 19, 2007 at 9:23 pm

    [Mark Suszko] “Oh, and Radio Shack are bandits, but you knew that.

    They used to not be. Too bad for them.

    If there’s no audio in the audio file then there’s no audio.

    It’s best if you drag the lastclip.txt and contents folder to a new folder on your hard drive, them import the files to FCP from that new folder. Importing directly off of the camera to FCP can lead to some weirdness.


  • Mark Suszko

    April 20, 2007 at 4:04 am

    Thanks for hanging in there with me for my adventure today. As we got to the wire and time to load out, the transfer process into the mac via firewire still was not smooth. I could not get enough confidence in the transfer process to commit to card recording, so I wimped out and shot to tape tonight. Turned out that was going to have to be the case anyway: the many actors we had were not 100 percent perfect on their line memorizations, and we just ate up tape on take after take, not daring to stop rolling in case they got it right by accident. DV tape is cheap, dirt cheap. What’s expensive is tape left blank when you get back home. I was too chicken about coming home with vapor on those cards, or, not being able to unload them before they had to hit the fedex pickup window and cost me another day’s rental. It’s just something I will have to get over, with more practice, I guess.

    I realize the P2 workflow is very different from what I’m used to, more like film rolls, and that if you have the presence of mind, and a good familarity with the camera, you certainly can keep deleting and recording over bad or useless clips to maintain space on the cards for just the good takes. But I gotta tell ya, shooting, directing, gaffing, monitoring the audio, keeping script continuity and the shot sheets, even with five guys helping me today, I could not find the time to manage the card storage like that and stay on schedule, had I committed tot he cards, and with only 2 8 gigger cards, and no way to offload clips on location, I would just have been out of luck. With tape, I don’t have to worry about it. I suppose if I had a big external drive, I could say the same thing. This camera certainly makes a pretty picture, but for me, I still prefer burning miles of tape, even bad takes sometimes give you something useful in post, I never want to throw anything away before the edit, I’m a packrat that way. Bring on the cheaper, bigger capacity cards, maybe I’ll adapt a little faster:-)

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