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Activity Forums Media 100 Unavailable Configurations

  • Michael Slowe

    February 18, 2012 at 2:11 pm

    I believe that there was HDV support from about version 12 onwards.

    Michael Slowe

  • Larry Evey

    February 28, 2012 at 2:09 am

    So Michael you are able to work with 1080×1440 media???? How do you get that into your bins?? I have the latest version of M100 running on an 8core MacPro 8gb ram in OS 10.6.7 because I still need to run the older M100 codec that the newer OS will not play. For HDV I put the m2t files through ClipWrap (excellent pgm btw) and import to M100 which always bumps the 1440 size files to 1920.


  • Michael Slowe

    February 28, 2012 at 10:10 am

    Larry, I don’t have my system open at present (I only use that for editing, not E mails) but I’m pretty certain that you have the choice of HDV in the list of codecs when importing. I have the same set up as you, OS 10.6.7, we have to be very careful not to be seduced into going with the latest all singing all dancing OS.

    Michael Slowe

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