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Activity Forums RE:Vision Effects Twixtor Mark Segments on Sony Vegas…am I not doing this right?

  • Twixtor Mark Segments on Sony Vegas…am I not doing this right?

    Posted by Jeff Boller on November 16, 2015 at 12:52 am

    I’ve purchased Twixtor and am using it on Sony Vegas Pro 12. I’ve been impressed with the results I’ve gotten so far, but I am having difficulty making Twixtor ignore the hard cuts in a single segment. According to the documentation, Twixtor will not interpolate between two segments marked with different Cut settings. In practice, I cannot get this to work.

    When setting up the Cut settings, I have Twixtor display set to Source. I’ve been animating between Cut A and Cut B on the Source: Mark Segments timeline, making sure each cut happens on the exact frame where the shot changes. However, when I switch to Display: Twixtored Output, there is always a one frame warp where each cut should be.

    What am I missing? Is it possible I have some other parameter set that is ignoring the cut settings?

    Jeff Boller
    The Simple Carnival — it doesn’t rock, it pops!

    Jeff Boller replied 9 years ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies

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