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Activity Forums RE:Vision Effects Twixtor for half speed in Premiere

  • Twixtor for half speed in Premiere

    Posted by Bigbadfun on October 21, 2005 at 6:32 am

    Hi there all!

    I’m just wondering if someone could help me with a dummies guide – 10 easy steps. I know there is a tutorial but I am currently on a super slow connection and cannot download it all…

    I am at a clients office. They have Twixtor 3.02 Pro and Premiere Pro v1.5. Video is PAL (25fps)

    They are simply trying to use Twixtor to turn a clip into 50% speed and make it smooth (and correct duration)

    Could someone please give me a quick clue on how to do this (eg: field settings and duration method in Premiere?) Thanks to anyone in advance….


    Bigbadfun replied 19 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Pierre Jasmin

    October 22, 2005 at 12:40 am

    Mr Shin made some tutorials just for you
    with some Premiere Project
    look for Twixtor Basics

    At the bottom of the page there is a few example setup for Premiere (look into the Twixtor 3 one)


  • Bigbadfun

    October 22, 2005 at 12:53 am

    Hey thanks! Will give it a go…

    Also, I am using a P4 3.0Ghz computer with 2Gig RAM…. it’s taking about 100 minutes to render a 1 minute clip. (50% speed, smart blend) Is this typical?

  • Pierre Jasmin

    October 22, 2005 at 1:56 am

    1 minute at 59.94 fields per second (?) is around 3600 frames
    An hour is 60 minutes
    A minute is 60 seconds
    60 X 60 is 3600 seconds
    3600 frames in 3600 seconds is 1 second a frame

    That sounds about right


  • Bigbadfun

    October 23, 2005 at 2:16 am

    Ahhh… whata shame. I am going to buy the latest version – would be real handy in doing some corporate work… I would love to use it in my wedding video music montages but at those rendering times it would be impossible. Fantastic quality though – hopefully future versions address the time….

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