Turning Null Repo into Camera move
I have a precomped image which is parented to a null and is moving around in 3D space. All the movements are done with the null. But now I need to make that image have a better 3-D look so I placed it in invigorator and turned on the use composition camera button.
But there are two issues:
One, I have to un-precomp it because the invigorator will only look at its composition for camera movements, and since this is a precomp it will need to be unnested. Which I did succesfully.
But the other is a more difficult problem.
Invigorator does not view my null movements as a camera movement. So I needed to add a camera and now I have to match my camera movement to the null movement.
I tried matching it by simply animating the camera, but I just can’t get the same movements with the camera as I did with the null.
So is there some kind of expression that can link my camera movement to my null or any other way to do this?
I can provide more info if needed. Thank you in advance!