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Activity Forums Storage & Archiving Trying to find a Good File Cloning Software

  • Trying to find a Good File Cloning Software

    Posted by Ryan Mccormick on September 25, 2018 at 5:59 pm

    Hey all!

    I’m trying to find a good solution for our studio for data backup. We have three editors. We’re all connected to a QNAP Thunderbolt RAID and then one computer is connected to a Drobo to backup the QNAP. But, the person connected to the Drobo edits off the Drobo quite a bit as well. Files are starting to get really inconsistent between the two. Is there a software that is out there that will copy the new files from each place (QNAP and Drobo) on to the other so that each place is a perfect mirror of the other? This is a little over my head so putting out a line here.


    Ryan Mccormick replied 6 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Bob Zelin

    September 25, 2018 at 10:27 pm

    if you had a second QNAP, you would use the free built in Hybrid Backup Sync RTRR (real time remote replication) which you can schedule for when the backups happen.

    But since your #2 unit is the Drobo, you must mount these 2 units on a Mac, and use a product like ChronoSync or Carbon Copy Cloner to do the backups.

    Bob Zelin

    Bob Zelin
    Rescue 1, Inc.

  • Ryan Mccormick

    September 26, 2018 at 4:03 pm

    Hey Bob,

    Is there a free option that would work just as well?


  • Bob Zelin

    September 26, 2018 at 4:51 pm

    ….. because 40 or 50 bucks is just too much money.

    Bob Zelin

    Bob Zelin
    Rescue 1, Inc.

  • Tom Goldberg

    September 26, 2018 at 5:38 pm

    Bob is right, pony up for Carbon Copy.

    For simple jobs I do use a shareware app called SyncTwoFolders with good results however:

    Tom Goldberg
    30201 Rainbow Hill Rd.
    Evergreen, CO 80439

  • Trevor Asquerthian

    September 26, 2018 at 9:32 pm

    may work for you

  • Jerzy Zbyslaw

    September 26, 2018 at 10:29 pm

    RSYNC is the best free utility to use if available as you can also use the checksum option to make sure the files are identical down to the last byte.

  • Bob Zelin

    September 26, 2018 at 11:01 pm

    as Jerzy writes, I personally use rsync – and I use it on ALL systems, but many people don’t want to deal with all the command line “DOS” crap, that us “techno guys” are used to.

    I was going to write a whole rant about Ryan’s post, about not wanting to spend the 40 – 50 bucks to buy easy to use software, but I know it’s Ryan’s boss, and not Ryan who is at fault. I know his boss is some A#$%@#$ that is my age, that hired Ryan, and told him “I am not spending one penny – you told me that you could do this job – now GO DO IT or you are fired”. Being his bosses age – if I knew I was going to die in the next couple of months, I would fly to Ryan’s location, and simply kill his boss, because he would rather torture his employees, rather than allocate the proper funds to do this job simply and efficiently.

    What on earth has happened to our industry. We used to get $1200 an hour.

    Bob Zelin

    Bob Zelin
    Rescue 1, Inc.

  • Ryan Mccormick

    September 27, 2018 at 3:14 pm

    Hey all,

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. I’ll definitely take a look at these. And yes, Bob, the boss is the culprit. No ranting necessary. ????


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