TouchDirector App ATEM control
Our TouchDirector iPad app is released now!
It’s an feature-rich iPad App to control ATEM switcher. We developed it since 2 years and tested the app in many live productions with different ATEM’s.
ATEM switcher control with much more advantages like SuperSource saving and recall.
PGM /PVW row is every time visible and switchable, you can also swap PGM/PVW row to switch more comfortably on the iPad.
The most needed Keys and Transitions can be activated direkt in the Transition area.
See the audio levels live and adjust them while switching along.
All aux sources viewable on one view and set them.Stills and clips can be chosen from the ATEM integrated Media-Player, tie clips with DSK or Transition.
Switch SuperSource Boxes live, save and recall as much of them if you like (only 2M/E and 4M/E ATEM).
One or two HyperDecks/HyperDecks Mini connectable and as fully automated integrated Mediaplayer usable for pre-produced clips or key-animations.
(use fill and key output at the HyperDeck Mini for alpha channel clips).
Play back your key animations tied with DSK 1 and 2 or chained up with a Transition (only with HyperDeck Mini in ProRes 4444 with Alpha).
Generate Cliplists and, mark in and out and set repeat for your clips stored on your HyperDeck and HyperDeck Mini
Assign HyperDeck inputs related to their physical inputs in the Deck Assignments, also for Key and Fill.All Key and DSK channels on one view in the Key Assignment settings.
The app works with ATEM software 8.0 and also higher.
The app works with all ATEM. (except the Constellation 8k and the TVS 4K Pro, this will come in December 2019)Introductory price until end of November 2019 around 30,- US$in the Apple AppStore
https://apps.apple.com/de/app/touchdire … 1450852852
https://liveskills.net/downloads/TD-Qui … ide-QR.png
How to export clips for HyperDeck playback:
https://liveskills.net/downloads/TD-HD- … Manual.pdf
Best regards, Anett from LiveSkills
Saskia-Anett Ebelt, vision mixer on BM Atem, Tricaster 460 and TC1, Panasonic, NewBlueFX Live Titler, Teradek, Matrox, Developer of Liveskills Apps HyperSlow to control BM HyperDecks as an instant replay system, and HyperSynchron to control and supervise up to 16 HyperDecks