Creative Communities of the World Forums

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  • Posted by Christian Glawe on April 5, 2005 at 12:46 am

    Cleaning out the home office, and came across this. Apologies if you’ve seen/heard this before.


    10 It’s just a preview shift

    9. It’s out of the safe area, you’ll never see it on the air…

    8. It won’t really look like that…

    7. I’ll fill out the paperwork tomorrow.

    6. Why no, I don’t mind working on Saturday.

    5. Oh, don’t go by THAT monitor….

    4. It works better as a cut.

    3. It’s on the source tape.

    2. I think it looks just fine.

    1. “I’ll be home soon”


    10. It’s pretty simple. It should only take an hour.

    9. Budget? Don’t worry about it.

    8. Feel free to be creative with this…

    7. I only need a couple of dubs….

    6. The client will love it! They won’t make any changes.

    5. I’m positive we’ve got that shot on another tape…

    4. I’ve never had this problem anywhere else I’ve edited.

    3. Could I see it just one more time…

    2. I thought you’d be able to just paint it out.

    1. How hard can it be?

    Pain is temporary… film is forever.

    Mark Suszko replied 19 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Mark Suszko

    April 5, 2005 at 2:28 pm

    Number 11: “Oh yes, we got clearance for that music/footage”.

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