To install or not to install…that is the question.
The post below got me to thinking. I’m taking delivery of a new G5 on Monday that will replace my trusty dual 1Ghz G4. I have FCP5 on order.
The question: Is it better to install FCP 4.5 on the new machine in order to use it until FCP 5 ships and then do the FCP 5 upgrade? Or would it be better to just let it alone for a few weeks, and then do a clean install of FCP5 when it arrives. I’ve ordered the Production Bundle upgrade. Do I have to actually have the old version of FCP installed and serialized for the upgrade or will I be able to do a clean install using the serial numbers from the older version?
Of course, I’d like to start using (or at least getting used to) the new computer, but I do have enough patience to wait if that’s necessary.
Any thoughts on this are appreciated.
I seem to remember these same questions back when FCP4 started shipping.
Everything old is new again.