This is where I tear my hair out, if I had any.
I finish my multicam edit which I posted a bit about earlier. All Done. I was editing in proxy mode since I had a bunch of angles and a sort of slow disk drive. No matter, all files were contained in the library, both original and proxy. If it matters I made proxy files after I imported and cut in proxy mode. I make one last edit and switch over to original media and one of my angles is completely off line. I try to relink to the files in the library but no go . FCPX tells me the files I am trying to link to have audio and the originals did not, except that the originals DID have audio. So I’m on deadline and about to deliver and FCPX suddenly shits all over the place.
Any thoughts on this. clearly X thinks there is an audio discrepancy which is not the case. IS there a secret escape route I can take ?
I’m on 10.2.3 , yosemite running on an iMac. My system is really normal, no funny biz