The Name Game 2020
So I guess before the world ends, approaching the 9th anniversary of this particular forum’s founding, I should raise again the issue of its long-outdated name.
April 2011. Y’all remember that, right? We had 200 posts in our FCP forum from people at the meeting before the demo was even finished. We started this forum during that demo to preserve the signal in the FCP forum by peeling out these posts of all-but-universal lamentation, and since nobody was talking about USING FCPX, which wouldn’t ship for another couple of months, we added Debate to the name. Over 1000 posts before bedtime, and we were off to the races.
Anyway, the last time we brought up that it’s way past time for a new name, it was to suggest a pun that only people older than 55 would appreciate, and if that’s all we’re aiming for, really, why bother. LOL
U ppl are marketing geniuses, so help me out. I need a catchy name that reflects what this forum has become over the years: hardly any debating at all (so that word has to go), but lots of great conversation about the industry as a whole — computers, software, platforms, storage, trade shows, learning, and whaddya know, some thankfully largely apolitical social engineering here of late, as we set out to address every challenge facing the creative community, covering companies from A to, uhm, B. LOL
(Although I guess we did in fact get as far as HP in the “Cupertino” thread.)
There doesn’t need to have a bovine pun in the name, but bonus points if ya do.
The big thing is that it needs to also mean something to Google, and to anyone else who hasn’t been here before. If not actually inviting, it shouldn’t actively repel, and should be at least a little acurate.
One name that crossed my mind was “Herd Around The Industry”, which fails on nearly every count except for bovine pun, and only barely clears that very low bar. Which industry? And heaven knows that we’re not here to listen. LOL Can’t use it.
“Media Production Roundtable” was the least sexy name I could come up with, but hey, at least it’s vague. LOL But it does in fact kind of tell the tale.
“Content Creation Conversation” is catchy, and I managed to avoid calling it COW-nversation. Just typing that made me throw up in my mouth a little.
Do better than me, fellas. I know you can. You do every day, or else you’d be in big, big trouble.
Yr pal,