The existential angst of white on black
I have a really big bugbear with a lot of contemporary software, but I’ll vent here about FCP. White text on a black background is harder to see than black text on a white background. That’s why astronomers look at negative photos when star counting or whatever.
The reason for a dark UI is clear to understand – colour timing and forth needs a dim environment. But, if you try editing in daylight it’s very difficult. Sitting in the cockpit of my boat, under a tree, or on a sand dune makes editing nigh on impossible during the day. OS developers give us the opportunity to use day or night themes, why can’t we be creative in daylight?
It’s the same with every application and device I use on laptop, pad, or phone. Take the kit out into daylight and suddenly you’re squinting. No wonder editor complexions are pale and wan.
If you suffer from nyctophiliac stuck-in-the-cellar editing then please join me in firing a broadside at the developers.