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Activity Forums Blackmagic Design Fusion Text+ – Simple Follower Animation


  • Text+ – Simple Follower Animation

    Posted by David Sikes on March 13, 2021 at 1:33 pm

    This question is so basic I’m embarrassed to be asking… but I’ve searched through Google and YouTube to no avail and must be asking the question the wrong way.

    All I want to do is move characters in x or y, from beginning to end of the string, per character.

    I’ve created a text+ node and added a follower modifier by right-clicking on the text box.

    The only place in the modifier I have found position information is in the Shading tab under position – but when I add a keyframe to either axis I get taken to another modifier called “Path1” with a keyframe on “Displacement”. Dragging sliders there doesn’t seem to make a difference. There are parameters there for X Y centers, but keyframing either of those creates yet another Path modifier.

    This seems easy, so I know I must be doing something stupid.

    I would greatly appreciate any help anyone can give me!

    David Sikes replied 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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