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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Expressions Text animation line by line from top to bottom

  • Text animation line by line from top to bottom

    Posted by Klaus Hertweck on September 30, 2024 at 3:20 pm

    I have a text with 3 lines and want to animate in a way that the last line drops in from the top at first when the animation starts and the third line at the end of the animation.

    I have adjusted the anchor point to the bottom left of the textbox:

    l = thisLayer.sourceRectAtTime();
    [l.left, + l.height];

    Next, I added a line spacing animator to the text, setting it to 200. The Range Selector Start starts at 100 and ends at 0. The Range Selector End is set to 0.

    In principle it works, but there is a weird glitch I cannot get rid of.
    The text starts fully spaced out. After a few frames the bottom line moves up a couple of pixels. Then the middle line moves down until it hits the top of the bottom line, then the top line moves down until it hits the top of the middle line. Then, all lines move down together a couple of pixels until the bottom line reaches its starting point.

    How can I get rid of the little movement of a couple of pixels at the start and the end?

    I guess I somehow have to further adjust the anchor point.

    Andrei Popa replied 1 week, 6 days ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Andrei Popa

    September 30, 2024 at 6:14 pm

    You should adjust the anchor point expression

    t = 0;
    l = thisLayer.sourceRectAtTime(sourceTime(t), false);
    [l.left, + l.height];

    Instead of 0, you should give t the value that the time has where your text animation is fully finished. So if your text is fully animated at second 3, t = 3.

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