Switching board to different computer
I was running media100 8.2 XR on a single G-4 800. I bought a G-4 Dual 1.4 with 1.5 gb. The computer is clean and I need to set it up with everything fresh. OS, SCSI, Media 100, Dual monitors, Internet, Photoshop etc.
What order would be best to make the transfer to the faster computer?
Should I take the Media 100 board out of the slow G-4 and put it in the new one first and then load the OS 10.3 media 100 8.2 and all my other programs? or should I load up the OS and programs before moving the board?
Should I uninstall the Media 100 software from the slower computer? I assume nothing will work without the board. Ideally I wish I could at least still open the monitor window to frame in film transfers that I do.
First time of doing something is always a bit scary. Any advice on where and how to move the board would be appreciated.