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  • Supplying a PAL show for broadcast in the states

    Posted by Toby Hinger on April 11, 2005 at 1:00 am

    Hi cows,

    We’ve just sold a show through to an MTV station, to be aired in the states. The show was originated and edited on PAL 16:9. They are happy with the show, but are concerned that the picture is “squished”.

    We assume that in the states you broadcast your widescreen shows in anamorphic 16:9, to be ‘corrected’ by the end user’s tv [if it’s a digital broadcast], or broadcast them letterboxed or centre cut for analogue..

    If we were to supply the tapes in one of these configurations, my concern is that they are no longer future-proofed for future use.

    So my question is, is there a good website stateside we can refer them to to explain the 16:9 thing.



    Del Holford replied 19 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Del Holford

    April 11, 2005 at 4:06 pm

    We do a lot of 16×9 HD and downconvert to SD with a letterbox. DVDs can convert from anamorphic but I’m not sure set-top-boxes can do so. There is no broadcast hardware that does so. I’d send a dub master copy of it letterboxed.

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