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Activity Forums VEGAS Pro subclips of videos removed remain in project

  • subclips of videos removed remain in project

    Posted by Johnny Chevy on July 24, 2023 at 5:34 pm

    I was using a video (russian cowboy 2017) for my project. I moved the video to another foler so that vegas can’t find it and then switched the video with another (the same except higher resolution) Except the original file still remains in the project – the reversed clips. I right click on the clips to find file location and it’s in the folder where the new video is in, except when I look in that folder it’s not there. So what’s going on here? Does Vegas create a duplicate of the reversed portion of the video somewhere? Seems to be a glitch sony needs to fix. It’s a problem as now I have to manually go and fix up every reversed clip using the new video.

    Johnny Chevy replied 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Aivis Zons

    July 24, 2023 at 7:34 pm

    I tried to replicate this by adding a random clip and making subclips of it. However, when I moved the original file – the subclips also went offline. They will remain in the project media list – that is correct, but they aren’t playable in the timeline, meaning they’re linked to the original file.

    I can’t really explain why reversing a clip turns it into a subclip, but I also haven’t ran into any issues with it + I do find regular subclips pretty useful at times. This isn’t a glitch, there are no duplicate files, but there may be additional .sfk files

    I believe the problem here is how you approached the replacing process. If I wanted to replace footage I would right click on it in the Project Media tab and click Replace. Then browse for the new footage and click Open. Then all of the subclips also get updated without issue.

  • Johnny Chevy

    July 25, 2023 at 7:28 am

    I see. It’s wierd cause also when I paste event attributes on all timeline events of a project file the reversed clips aren’t affected. Something sony should look into, if they haven’t already.

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