Man I hate that effect. It doesn;t work on frames, it works on seconds.
If you are trying to get that layer to just wink in and out of existance quickly, what I’d suggest is seting 3 opacity keyframes and making an expression that loops them.
These should be hold keyframes by the way:
Time Opacity
00 100%
02 0%
04 100%
The expression in the opacity property should be:
loopOut(type = “cycle”)
This will loop the opacity so that it blinks every 2 frames. Move them closer together and it will be every other frame.
If, on the other hand, you are trying to flash the layer as a color, I’d suugest the same thing for keyframes only applied to the effect called Image control > Tint
Set both Tint Colors to the color you want and then set the same keyframes and expression for the amount to tint.
Aharon Rabinowitz
Creative Cow Master Series DVD
particleIllusion Fusion Volume 1
available @