Star Wars: The Music Video
No, I’m not a spoiler. If ya haven’t seen Episode 3 yet, it’s OK to read on…
This is a stylistic question regarding music beds. I popped in the DVD of Episode 4 (1977) last night after I got back from seeing Ep3. There’s a vast difference (thirty years of visual effects aside) when it comes to music. Specifically, when not to use it. In the newer 3 films, music is laced under nearly every frame of video. In the older 3 movies (1977, 1980, 1983), there are many moments… now that I look back… that I’m so glad were nat-sound only.
Then I got to thinking – there’s some kind of music, long notes, low rumble, cymbal rides, or keyboard crap playing in nearly everything now, all the time. I hope the appreciation for listening to life without a soundtrack isn’t fading. Somewhere, deep in the gray squiggles of my melon, I’m hoping that audiences are getting aggitated at being spoon-fed unnecessary orchestrations. Then again, nowadays you can program special ringtones for your dry cleaner’s.
And I wonder why my ears ring when I get out to the mountains.
\`(=)`/…Pixel Monkey