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Activity Forums VEGAS Pro Splitting A Clip Doesn’t Allow Different Effects

  • Splitting A Clip Doesn’t Allow Different Effects

    Posted by Joshua Jackson on March 18, 2016 at 2:54 am

    Can someone clue me in as to why this is happening?
    I have a clip that I want to apply different effects to.
    In this case, I want to apply color correction to one part of the clip and not to another part of the clip.
    I split the clip, where I want the change to occur.
    I applied the effect to the part, that I wanted.
    It applied to the other part of the clip.
    I removed it, from the part I didn’t want.
    It removed it from the part I did want.
    What’s up?
    I thought that was one of the points of slipping the clip.

    John Rofrano replied 8 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Graham Bernard

    March 18, 2016 at 7:46 am

    [Joshua Jackson] “It applied to the other part of the clip.”


    We need to establish some terms of reference. Media that you put onto the Timeline are then called Events and not “Clips”.

    Are you absolutely sure you added the FX AFTER you had Split the Event or BEFORE you had Split the Event?

    If I Split an Event, say “EVENT A”, I now have two Events, say Event B and Event C. I can add separate FXs to Event B and Event C. If, however, I Split an Event which ALREADY had an FX then the those two Events, B & C, would also have that original FX.

    * Grazie

    Video Content Creator and Potter
    PC 7 64-bit 16gb * Intel® Core™i7-2600k Quad Core 3.40GHz * 2GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 560 Ti
    Cameras: Canon XF300 + PowerShot SX50HS Bridge

  • John Rofrano

    March 18, 2016 at 1:50 pm

    It sounds like you may have added a Media FX instead of an Event FX. If you apply the FX to the Media, it will be applied in every single Event that the media is used. Vegas Pro doesn’t use the term “clip” so I can only assume that you are splitting Events on the Timeline. Make sure you are not adding the FX to the Media. You want to add them to just the split Event. (strange terminology, I know. This is because Vegas was an audio editor before it was a video editor so it uses very generic terms which confuse everyone)


  • Joshua Jackson

    March 18, 2016 at 3:09 pm

    [John Rofrano] “It sounds like you may have added a Media FX instead of an Event FX. If you apply the FX to the Media, it will be applied in every single Event that the media is used. Vegas Pro doesn’t use the term “clip” so I can only assume that you are splitting Events on the Timeline. Make sure you are not adding the FX to the Media. You want to add them to just the split Event. (strange terminology, I know. This is because Vegas was an audio editor before it was a video editor so it uses very generic terms which confuse everyone)”

    That is exactly what happened.
    I’ve been using Media FX.
    Thanks, for the help.

  • John Rofrano

    March 18, 2016 at 6:16 pm

    Yea, Media FX are a very powerful concept because they affect the media in every event that it’s used in. This is great for color correcting and white balancing so that you are certain that everywhere the media is used it will be balanced. If you just want to effect a single event on the Timeline then Event FX are the right choice.


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