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Activity Forums Maxon Cinema 4D splines

  • splines

    Posted by Tim Crean on June 7, 2005 at 4:51 pm


    i’m trying to create an intricate group of very fine lines that resemble tree “roots” and animate or ‘grow’ on…
    i have started by drawing a spline; drawing a tiny circle and then sweep to create something with a bit of depth that will render. is there a faster way to do this? is there anyway to just draw many splines and connect them so that they will be seen in a render? i am currently animating the ‘grow’ with the sweep ‘growth’ attribute.

    any help is greatly apprectiated..


    Arndt Von koenigsmarck replied 19 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply

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